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Artifact Stores

zenml.artifact_stores special

In ZenML, the inputs and outputs which go through any step is treated as an artifact and as its name suggests, an ArtifactStore is a place where these artifacts get stored.

Out of the box, ZenML comes with the BaseArtifactStore and LocalArtifactStore implementations. While the BaseArtifactStore establishes an interface for people who want to extend it to their needs, the LocalArtifactStore is a simple implementation for a local setup.

Moreover, additional artifact stores can be found in specific integrations modules, such as the GCPArtifactStore in the gcp integration and the AzureArtifactStore in the azure integration.


BaseArtifactStore (StackComponent) pydantic-model

Base class for all ZenML artifact stores.


Name Type Description
path str

The root path of the artifact store.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
class BaseArtifactStore(StackComponent):
    """Base class for all ZenML artifact stores.
        path: The root path of the artifact store.

    path: str

    # Class Configuration
    TYPE: ClassVar[StackComponentType] = StackComponentType.ARTIFACT_STORE
    SUPPORTED_SCHEMES: ClassVar[Set[str]]

    # --- User interface ---
    def open(self, name: PathType, mode: str = "r") -> Any:
        """Open a file at the given path."""

    def copyfile(
        self, src: PathType, dst: PathType, overwrite: bool = False
    ) -> None:
        """Copy a file from the source to the destination."""

    def exists(self, path: PathType) -> bool:
        """Returns `True` if the given path exists."""

    def glob(self, pattern: PathType) -> List[PathType]:
        """Return the paths that match a glob pattern."""

    def isdir(self, path: PathType) -> bool:
        """Returns whether the given path points to a directory."""

    def listdir(self, path: PathType) -> List[PathType]:
        """Returns a list of files under a given directory in the filesystem."""

    def makedirs(self, path: PathType) -> None:
        """Make a directory at the given path, recursively creating parents."""

    def mkdir(self, path: PathType) -> None:
        """Make a directory at the given path; parent directory must exist."""

    def remove(self, path: PathType) -> None:
        """Remove the file at the given path. Dangerous operation."""

    def rename(
        self, src: PathType, dst: PathType, overwrite: bool = False
    ) -> None:
        """Rename source file to destination file."""

    def rmtree(self, path: PathType) -> None:
        """Deletes dir recursively. Dangerous operation."""

    def stat(self, path: PathType) -> Any:
        """Return the stat descriptor for a given file path."""

    def walk(
        top: PathType,
        topdown: bool = True,
        onerror: Optional[Callable[..., None]] = None,
    ) -> Iterable[Tuple[PathType, List[PathType], List[PathType]]]:
        """Return an iterator that walks the contents of the given directory."""

    # --- Internal interface ---
    def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Initiate the Pydantic object and register the corresponding
        super(BaseArtifactStore, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _ensure_artifact_store(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
        """Validator function for the Artifact Stores. Checks whether
        supported schemes are defined and the given path is supported"""
            getattr(cls, "SUPPORTED_SCHEMES")
        except AttributeError:
            raise ArtifactStoreInterfaceError(
                "When you are working with any classes which subclass from "
                "'zenml.artifact_store.BaseArtifactStore' please make sure "
                "that your class has a ClassVar named `SUPPORTED_SCHEMES` "
                "which should hold a set of supported file schemes such "
                "as {'s3://'} or {'gcs://'}. \n"
                + textwrap.dedent(
                    When you are working with any classes which subclass from
                    zenml.artifact_store.BaseArtifactStore please make sure
                    that your class has a ClassVar named `SUPPORTED_SCHEMES`
                    which should hold a set of supported file schemes such
                    as {"s3://"} or {"gcs://"}.


                    class S3ArtifactStore(StackComponent):
                        # Class Variables
                        SUPPORTED_SCHEMES: ClassVar[Set[str]] = {"s3://"}
        if not any(values["path"].startswith(i) for i in cls.SUPPORTED_SCHEMES):
            raise ArtifactStoreInterfaceError(
                f"The path: '{values['path']}' you defined for your "
                f"artifact store is not supported by the implementation of "
                f"{cls.schema()['title']}, because it does not start with "
                f"one of its supported schemes: {cls.SUPPORTED_SCHEMES}."

        return values

    def _register(self, priority: int = 5) -> None:
        """Create and register a filesystem within the TFX registry"""
        from import Filesystem

        filesystem_class = type(
                "open": staticmethod(_catch_not_found_error(,
                "copy": staticmethod(_catch_not_found_error(self.copyfile)),
                "exists": staticmethod(self.exists),
                "glob": staticmethod(self.glob),
                "isdir": staticmethod(self.isdir),
                "listdir": staticmethod(_catch_not_found_error(self.listdir)),
                "makedirs": staticmethod(self.makedirs),
                "mkdir": staticmethod(_catch_not_found_error(self.mkdir)),
                "remove": staticmethod(_catch_not_found_error(self.remove)),
                "rename": staticmethod(_catch_not_found_error(self.rename)),
                "rmtree": staticmethod(_catch_not_found_error(self.rmtree)),
                "stat": staticmethod(_catch_not_found_error(self.stat)),
                "walk": staticmethod(_catch_not_found_error(self.walk)),

            filesystem_class, priority=priority
__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) special

Initiate the Pydantic object and register the corresponding filesystem.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    """Initiate the Pydantic object and register the corresponding
    super(BaseArtifactStore, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
copyfile(self, src, dst, overwrite=False)

Copy a file from the source to the destination.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def copyfile(
    self, src: PathType, dst: PathType, overwrite: bool = False
) -> None:
    """Copy a file from the source to the destination."""
exists(self, path)

Returns True if the given path exists.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def exists(self, path: PathType) -> bool:
    """Returns `True` if the given path exists."""
glob(self, pattern)

Return the paths that match a glob pattern.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def glob(self, pattern: PathType) -> List[PathType]:
    """Return the paths that match a glob pattern."""
isdir(self, path)

Returns whether the given path points to a directory.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def isdir(self, path: PathType) -> bool:
    """Returns whether the given path points to a directory."""
listdir(self, path)

Returns a list of files under a given directory in the filesystem.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def listdir(self, path: PathType) -> List[PathType]:
    """Returns a list of files under a given directory in the filesystem."""
makedirs(self, path)

Make a directory at the given path, recursively creating parents.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def makedirs(self, path: PathType) -> None:
    """Make a directory at the given path, recursively creating parents."""
mkdir(self, path)

Make a directory at the given path; parent directory must exist.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def mkdir(self, path: PathType) -> None:
    """Make a directory at the given path; parent directory must exist."""
open(self, name, mode='r')

Open a file at the given path.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def open(self, name: PathType, mode: str = "r") -> Any:
    """Open a file at the given path."""
remove(self, path)

Remove the file at the given path. Dangerous operation.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def remove(self, path: PathType) -> None:
    """Remove the file at the given path. Dangerous operation."""
rename(self, src, dst, overwrite=False)

Rename source file to destination file.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def rename(
    self, src: PathType, dst: PathType, overwrite: bool = False
) -> None:
    """Rename source file to destination file."""
rmtree(self, path)

Deletes dir recursively. Dangerous operation.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def rmtree(self, path: PathType) -> None:
    """Deletes dir recursively. Dangerous operation."""
stat(self, path)

Return the stat descriptor for a given file path.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def stat(self, path: PathType) -> Any:
    """Return the stat descriptor for a given file path."""
walk(self, top, topdown=True, onerror=None)

Return an iterator that walks the contents of the given directory.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def walk(
    top: PathType,
    topdown: bool = True,
    onerror: Optional[Callable[..., None]] = None,
) -> Iterable[Tuple[PathType, List[PathType], List[PathType]]]:
    """Return an iterator that walks the contents of the given directory."""


LocalArtifactStore (BaseArtifactStore) pydantic-model

Artifact Store for local artifacts.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
class LocalArtifactStore(BaseArtifactStore):
    """Artifact Store for local artifacts."""

    # Class Configuration
    FLAVOR: ClassVar[str] = "local"
    SUPPORTED_SCHEMES: ClassVar[Set[str]] = {""}

    def local_path(self) -> str:
        """Path to the local directory where the artifacts are stored."""
        return self.path

    def open(name: PathType, mode: str = "r") -> Any:
        """Open a file at the given path."""
        return open(name, mode=mode)

    def copyfile(src: PathType, dst: PathType, overwrite: bool = False) -> None:
        """Copy a file from the source to the destination."""
        if not overwrite and os.path.exists(dst):
            raise FileExistsError(
                f"Destination file {str(dst)} already exists and argument "
                f"`overwrite` is false."
        shutil.copyfile(src, dst)  # type: ignore[type-var, arg-type]

    def exists(path: PathType) -> bool:
        """Returns `True` if the given path exists."""
        return os.path.exists(path)

    def glob(pattern: PathType) -> List[PathType]:
        """Return the paths that match a glob pattern."""
        return glob.glob(pattern)  # type: ignore[type-var]

    def isdir(path: PathType) -> bool:
        """Returns whether the given path points to a directory."""
        return os.path.isdir(path)

    def listdir(path: PathType) -> List[PathType]:
        """Returns a list of files under a given directory in the filesystem."""
        return os.listdir(path)  # type:ignore[return-value]

    def makedirs(path: PathType) -> None:
        """Make a directory at the given path, recursively creating parents."""
        os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)

    def mkdir(path: PathType) -> None:
        """Make a directory at the given path; parent directory must exist."""

    def remove(path: PathType) -> None:
        """Remove the file at the given path. Dangerous operation."""

    def rename(src: PathType, dst: PathType, overwrite: bool = False) -> None:
        """Rename source file to destination file.
            src: The path of the file to rename.
            dst: The path to rename the source file to.
            overwrite: If a file already exists at the destination, this
                method will overwrite it if overwrite=`True`
        if not overwrite and os.path.exists(dst):
            raise FileExistsError(
                f"Destination path {str(dst)} already exists and argument "
                f"`overwrite` is false."
        os.rename(src, dst)

    def rmtree(path: PathType) -> None:
        """Deletes dir recursively. Dangerous operation."""

    def stat(path: PathType) -> Any:
        """Return the stat descriptor for a given file path."""
        return os.stat(path)

    def walk(
        top: PathType,
        topdown: bool = True,
        onerror: Optional[Callable[..., None]] = None,
    ) -> Iterable[Tuple[PathType, List[PathType], List[PathType]]]:
        """Return an iterator that walks the contents of the given directory.
            top: Path of directory to walk.
            topdown: Whether to walk directories topdown or bottom-up.
            onerror: Callable that gets called if an error occurs.
            An Iterable of Tuples, each of which contain the path of the
            current directory path, a list of directories inside the
            current directory and a list of files inside the current
        yield from os.walk(top, topdown=topdown, onerror=onerror)  # type: ignore[type-var, misc]

    def ensure_path_local(cls, path: str) -> str:
        """Pydantic validator which ensures that the given path is a local
        remote_prefixes = ["gs://", "hdfs://", "s3://", "az://", "abfs://"]
        if any(path.startswith(prefix) for prefix in remote_prefixes):
            raise ArtifactStoreInterfaceError(
                f"The path:{path} you defined for your local artifact store "
                f"start with one of the remote prefixes."
        return path
local_path: str property readonly

Path to the local directory where the artifacts are stored.

copyfile(src, dst, overwrite=False) staticmethod

Copy a file from the source to the destination.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def copyfile(src: PathType, dst: PathType, overwrite: bool = False) -> None:
    """Copy a file from the source to the destination."""
    if not overwrite and os.path.exists(dst):
        raise FileExistsError(
            f"Destination file {str(dst)} already exists and argument "
            f"`overwrite` is false."
    shutil.copyfile(src, dst)  # type: ignore[type-var, arg-type]
ensure_path_local(path) classmethod

Pydantic validator which ensures that the given path is a local path

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def ensure_path_local(cls, path: str) -> str:
    """Pydantic validator which ensures that the given path is a local
    remote_prefixes = ["gs://", "hdfs://", "s3://", "az://", "abfs://"]
    if any(path.startswith(prefix) for prefix in remote_prefixes):
        raise ArtifactStoreInterfaceError(
            f"The path:{path} you defined for your local artifact store "
            f"start with one of the remote prefixes."
    return path
exists(path) staticmethod

Returns True if the given path exists.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def exists(path: PathType) -> bool:
    """Returns `True` if the given path exists."""
    return os.path.exists(path)
glob(pattern) staticmethod

Return the paths that match a glob pattern.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def glob(pattern: PathType) -> List[PathType]:
    """Return the paths that match a glob pattern."""
    return glob.glob(pattern)  # type: ignore[type-var]
isdir(path) staticmethod

Returns whether the given path points to a directory.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def isdir(path: PathType) -> bool:
    """Returns whether the given path points to a directory."""
    return os.path.isdir(path)
listdir(path) staticmethod

Returns a list of files under a given directory in the filesystem.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def listdir(path: PathType) -> List[PathType]:
    """Returns a list of files under a given directory in the filesystem."""
    return os.listdir(path)  # type:ignore[return-value]
makedirs(path) staticmethod

Make a directory at the given path, recursively creating parents.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def makedirs(path: PathType) -> None:
    """Make a directory at the given path, recursively creating parents."""
    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
mkdir(path) staticmethod

Make a directory at the given path; parent directory must exist.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def mkdir(path: PathType) -> None:
    """Make a directory at the given path; parent directory must exist."""
open(name, mode='r') staticmethod

Open a file at the given path.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def open(name: PathType, mode: str = "r") -> Any:
    """Open a file at the given path."""
    return open(name, mode=mode)
remove(path) staticmethod

Remove the file at the given path. Dangerous operation.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def remove(path: PathType) -> None:
    """Remove the file at the given path. Dangerous operation."""
rename(src, dst, overwrite=False) staticmethod

Rename source file to destination file.


Name Type Description Default
src Union[bytes, str]

The path of the file to rename.

dst Union[bytes, str]

The path to rename the source file to.

overwrite bool

If a file already exists at the destination, this method will overwrite it if overwrite=True

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def rename(src: PathType, dst: PathType, overwrite: bool = False) -> None:
    """Rename source file to destination file.
        src: The path of the file to rename.
        dst: The path to rename the source file to.
        overwrite: If a file already exists at the destination, this
            method will overwrite it if overwrite=`True`
    if not overwrite and os.path.exists(dst):
        raise FileExistsError(
            f"Destination path {str(dst)} already exists and argument "
            f"`overwrite` is false."
    os.rename(src, dst)
rmtree(path) staticmethod

Deletes dir recursively. Dangerous operation.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def rmtree(path: PathType) -> None:
    """Deletes dir recursively. Dangerous operation."""
stat(path) staticmethod

Return the stat descriptor for a given file path.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def stat(path: PathType) -> Any:
    """Return the stat descriptor for a given file path."""
    return os.stat(path)
walk(top, topdown=True, onerror=None) staticmethod

Return an iterator that walks the contents of the given directory.


Name Type Description Default
top Union[bytes, str]

Path of directory to walk.

topdown bool

Whether to walk directories topdown or bottom-up.

onerror Optional[Callable[..., NoneType]]

Callable that gets called if an error occurs.



Type Description
Iterable[Tuple[Union[bytes, str], List[Union[bytes, str]], List[Union[bytes, str]]]]

An Iterable of Tuples, each of which contain the path of the current directory path, a list of directories inside the current directory and a list of files inside the current directory.

Source code in zenml/artifact_stores/
def walk(
    top: PathType,
    topdown: bool = True,
    onerror: Optional[Callable[..., None]] = None,
) -> Iterable[Tuple[PathType, List[PathType], List[PathType]]]:
    """Return an iterator that walks the contents of the given directory.
        top: Path of directory to walk.
        topdown: Whether to walk directories topdown or bottom-up.
        onerror: Callable that gets called if an error occurs.
        An Iterable of Tuples, each of which contain the path of the
        current directory path, a list of directories inside the
        current directory and a list of files inside the current
    yield from os.walk(top, topdown=topdown, onerror=onerror)  # type: ignore[type-var, misc]