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ZenML enums.

AnalyticsEventSource (StrEnum)

Enum to identify analytics events source.

Source code in zenml/
class AnalyticsEventSource(StrEnum):
    """Enum to identify analytics events source."""

    ZENML_GO = "zenml go"
    ZENML_INIT = "zenml init"
    ZENML_SERVER = "zenml server"

AnnotationTasks (StrEnum)

Supported annotation tasks.

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class AnnotationTasks(StrEnum):
    """Supported annotation tasks."""

    IMAGE_CLASSIFICATION = "image_classification"
    OBJECT_DETECTION_BOUNDING_BOXES = "object_detection_bounding_boxes"
    OCR = "optical_character_recognition"
    TEXT_CLASSIFICATION = "text_classification"

ArtifactType (StrEnum)

All possible types an artifact can have.

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class ArtifactType(StrEnum):
    """All possible types an artifact can have."""

    DATA_ANALYSIS = "DataAnalysisArtifact"
    DATA = "DataArtifact"
    MODEL = "ModelArtifact"
    SCHEMA = "SchemaArtifact"  # deprecated
    SERVICE = "ServiceArtifact"
    STATISTICS = "StatisticsArtifact"  # deprecated in favor of `DATA_ANALYSIS`
    BASE = "BaseArtifact"

AuthScheme (StrEnum)

The authentication scheme.

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class AuthScheme(StrEnum):
    """The authentication scheme."""


CliCategories (StrEnum)

All possible categories for CLI commands.

Note: The order of the categories is important. The same order is used to sort the commands in the CLI help output.

Source code in zenml/
class CliCategories(StrEnum):
    """All possible categories for CLI commands.

    Note: The order of the categories is important. The same
    order is used to sort the commands in the CLI help output.

    STACK_COMPONENTS = "Stack Components"
    MODEL_DEPLOYMENT = "Model Deployment"
    INTEGRATIONS = "Integrations"
    MANAGEMENT_TOOLS = "Management Tools"
    MODEL_CONTROL_PLANE = "Model Control Plane"
    IDENTITY_AND_SECURITY = "Identity and Security"
    OTHER_COMMANDS = "Other Commands"

ColorVariants (StrEnum)

All possible color variants for frontend.

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class ColorVariants(StrEnum):
    """All possible color variants for frontend."""

    GREY = "grey"
    PURPLE = "purple"
    RED = "red"
    GREEN = "green"
    YELLOW = "yellow"
    ORANGE = "orange"
    LIME = "lime"
    TEAL = "teal"
    TURQUOISE = "turquoise"
    MAGENTA = "magenta"
    BLUE = "blue"

ContainerRegistryFlavor (StrEnum)

Flavors of container registries.

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class ContainerRegistryFlavor(StrEnum):
    """Flavors of container registries."""

    DEFAULT = "default"
    GITHUB = "github"
    DOCKERHUB = "dockerhub"
    GCP = "gcp"
    AZURE = "azure"

DatabaseBackupStrategy (StrEnum)

All available database backup strategies.

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class DatabaseBackupStrategy(StrEnum):
    """All available database backup strategies."""

    # Backup disabled
    DISABLED = "disabled"
    # In-memory backup
    IN_MEMORY = "in-memory"
    # Dump the database to a file
    DUMP_FILE = "dump-file"
    # Create a backup of the database in the remote database service
    DATABASE = "database"

EnvironmentType (StrEnum)

Enum for environment types.

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class EnvironmentType(StrEnum):
    """Enum for environment types."""

    BITBUCKET_CI = "bitbucket_ci"
    CIRCLE_CI = "circle_ci"
    COLAB = "colab"
    CONTAINER = "container"
    DOCKER = "docker"
    GENERIC_CI = "generic_ci"
    GITHUB_ACTION = "github_action"
    GITLAB_CI = "gitlab_ci"
    KUBERNETES = "kubernetes"
    NATIVE = "native"
    NOTEBOOK = "notebook"
    PAPERSPACE = "paperspace"
    WSL = "wsl"
    LIGHTNING_AI_STUDIO = "lightning_ai_studio"
    GITHUB_CODESPACES = "github_codespaces"
    VSCODE_REMOTE_CONTAINER = "vscode_remote_container"

ExecutionStatus (StrEnum)

Enum that represents the current status of a step or pipeline run.

Source code in zenml/
class ExecutionStatus(StrEnum):
    """Enum that represents the current status of a step or pipeline run."""

    INITIALIZING = "initializing"
    FAILED = "failed"
    COMPLETED = "completed"
    RUNNING = "running"
    CACHED = "cached"

    def is_finished(self) -> bool:
        """Whether the execution status refers to a finished execution.

            Whether the execution status refers to a finished execution.
        return self in {

GenericFilterOps (StrEnum)

Ops for all filters for string values on list methods.

Source code in zenml/
class GenericFilterOps(StrEnum):
    """Ops for all filters for string values on list methods."""

    EQUALS = "equals"
    NOT_EQUALS = "notequals"
    CONTAINS = "contains"
    STARTSWITH = "startswith"
    ENDSWITH = "endswith"
    GTE = "gte"
    GT = "gt"
    LTE = "lte"
    LT = "lt"
    IN = "in"

LoggingLevels (Enum)

Enum for logging levels.

Source code in zenml/
class LoggingLevels(Enum):
    """Enum for logging levels."""

    NOTSET = logging.NOTSET
    ERROR = logging.ERROR
    WARN = logging.WARN
    INFO = logging.INFO
    DEBUG = logging.DEBUG

LogicalOperators (StrEnum)

Logical Ops to use to combine filters on list methods.

Source code in zenml/
class LogicalOperators(StrEnum):
    """Logical Ops to use to combine filters on list methods."""

    OR = "or"
    AND = "and"

MetadataResourceTypes (StrEnum)

All possible resource types for adding metadata.

Source code in zenml/
class MetadataResourceTypes(StrEnum):
    """All possible resource types for adding metadata."""

    PIPELINE_RUN = "pipeline_run"
    STEP_RUN = "step_run"
    ARTIFACT_VERSION = "artifact_version"
    MODEL_VERSION = "model_version"

ModelStages (StrEnum)

All possible stages of a Model Version.

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class ModelStages(StrEnum):
    """All possible stages of a Model Version."""

    NONE = "none"
    STAGING = "staging"
    PRODUCTION = "production"
    ARCHIVED = "archived"
    LATEST = "latest"

OAuthDeviceStatus (StrEnum)

The OAuth device status.

Source code in zenml/
class OAuthDeviceStatus(StrEnum):
    """The OAuth device status."""

    PENDING = "pending"
    VERIFIED = "verified"
    ACTIVE = "active"
    LOCKED = "locked"

OAuthGrantTypes (StrEnum)

The OAuth grant types.

Source code in zenml/
class OAuthGrantTypes(StrEnum):
    """The OAuth grant types."""

    OAUTH_PASSWORD = "password"
    OAUTH_DEVICE_CODE = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code"
    ZENML_EXTERNAL = "zenml-external"
    ZENML_API_KEY = "zenml-api-key"

OnboardingStep (StrEnum)

All onboarding steps.

Source code in zenml/
class OnboardingStep(StrEnum):
    """All onboarding steps."""

    DEVICE_VERIFIED = "device_verified"
    PIPELINE_RUN = "pipeline_run"
    STARTER_SETUP_COMPLETED = "starter_setup_completed"
    PRODUCTION_SETUP_COMPLETED = "production_setup_completed"

OperatingSystemType (StrEnum)

Enum for OS types.

Source code in zenml/
class OperatingSystemType(StrEnum):
    """Enum for OS types."""

    LINUX = "Linux"
    WINDOWS = "Windows"
    MACOS = "Darwin"

PluginSubType (StrEnum)

All possible types of Plugins.

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class PluginSubType(StrEnum):
    """All possible types of Plugins."""

    # Event Source Subtypes
    WEBHOOK = "webhook"
    # Action Subtypes
    PIPELINE_RUN = "pipeline_run"

PluginType (StrEnum)

All possible types of Plugins.

Source code in zenml/
class PluginType(StrEnum):
    """All possible types of Plugins."""

    EVENT_SOURCE = "event_source"
    ACTION = "action"

ResponseUpdateStrategy (StrEnum)

All available strategies to handle updated properties in the response.

Source code in zenml/
class ResponseUpdateStrategy(StrEnum):
    """All available strategies to handle updated properties in the response."""

    ALLOW = "allow"
    IGNORE = "ignore"
    DENY = "deny"

SecretScope (StrEnum)

Enum for the scope of a secret.

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class SecretScope(StrEnum):
    """Enum for the scope of a secret."""

    WORKSPACE = "workspace"
    USER = "user"

SecretValidationLevel (StrEnum)

Secret validation levels.

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class SecretValidationLevel(StrEnum):
    """Secret validation levels."""

    NONE = "NONE"

SecretsStoreType (StrEnum)

Secrets Store Backend Types.

Source code in zenml/
class SecretsStoreType(StrEnum):
    """Secrets Store Backend Types."""

    NONE = "none"  # indicates that no secrets store is used
    SQL = "sql"
    AWS = "aws"
    GCP = "gcp"
    AZURE = "azure"
    HASHICORP = "hashicorp"
    CUSTOM = "custom"  # indicates that the secrets store uses a custom backend

ServerProviderType (StrEnum)

ZenML server providers.

Source code in zenml/
class ServerProviderType(StrEnum):
    """ZenML server providers."""

    LOCAL = "local"
    DOCKER = "docker"
    AWS = "aws"
    GCP = "gcp"
    AZURE = "azure"

SorterOps (StrEnum)

Ops for all filters for string values on list methods.

Source code in zenml/
class SorterOps(StrEnum):
    """Ops for all filters for string values on list methods."""

    ASCENDING = "asc"
    DESCENDING = "desc"

SourceContextTypes (StrEnum)

Enum for event source types.

Source code in zenml/
class SourceContextTypes(StrEnum):
    """Enum for event source types."""

    CLI = "cli"
    PYTHON = "python"
    DASHBOARD = "dashboard"
    DASHBOARD_V2 = "dashboard-v2"
    API = "api"
    UNKNOWN = "unknown"

StackComponentType (StrEnum)

All possible types a StackComponent can have.

Source code in zenml/
class StackComponentType(StrEnum):
    """All possible types a `StackComponent` can have."""

    ALERTER = "alerter"
    ANNOTATOR = "annotator"
    ARTIFACT_STORE = "artifact_store"
    CONTAINER_REGISTRY = "container_registry"
    DATA_VALIDATOR = "data_validator"
    EXPERIMENT_TRACKER = "experiment_tracker"
    FEATURE_STORE = "feature_store"
    IMAGE_BUILDER = "image_builder"
    MODEL_DEPLOYER = "model_deployer"
    ORCHESTRATOR = "orchestrator"
    STEP_OPERATOR = "step_operator"
    MODEL_REGISTRY = "model_registry"

    def plural(self) -> str:
        """Returns the plural of the enum value.

            The plural of the enum value.
        if self == StackComponentType.CONTAINER_REGISTRY:
            return "container_registries"
        elif self == StackComponentType.MODEL_REGISTRY:
            return "model_registries"

        return f"{self.value}s"

StackDeploymentProvider (StrEnum)

All possible stack deployment providers.

Source code in zenml/
class StackDeploymentProvider(StrEnum):
    """All possible stack deployment providers."""

    AWS = "aws"
    GCP = "gcp"
    AZURE = "azure"

StepRunInputArtifactType (StrEnum)

All possible types of a step run input artifact.

Source code in zenml/
class StepRunInputArtifactType(StrEnum):
    """All possible types of a step run input artifact."""

    DEFAULT = "default"  # input argument that is the output of a previous step
    MANUAL = "manual"  # manually loaded via `zenml.load_artifact()`

StepRunOutputArtifactType (StrEnum)

All possible types of a step run output artifact.

Source code in zenml/
class StepRunOutputArtifactType(StrEnum):
    """All possible types of a step run output artifact."""

    DEFAULT = "default"  # output of the current step
    MANUAL = "manual"  # manually saved via `zenml.save_artifact()`

StoreType (StrEnum)

Zen Store Backend Types.

Source code in zenml/
class StoreType(StrEnum):
    """Zen Store Backend Types."""

    SQL = "sql"
    REST = "rest"

TaggableResourceTypes (StrEnum)

All possible resource types for tagging.

Source code in zenml/
class TaggableResourceTypes(StrEnum):
    """All possible resource types for tagging."""

    ARTIFACT = "artifact"
    ARTIFACT_VERSION = "artifact_version"
    MODEL = "model"
    MODEL_VERSION = "model_version"
    PIPELINE = "pipeline"
    PIPELINE_RUN = "pipeline_run"
    RUN_TEMPLATE = "run_template"

VisualizationType (StrEnum)

All currently available visualization types.

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class VisualizationType(StrEnum):
    """All currently available visualization types."""

    CSV = "csv"
    HTML = "html"
    IMAGE = "image"
    MARKDOWN = "markdown"

ZenMLServiceType (StrEnum)

All possible types a service can have.

Source code in zenml/
class ZenMLServiceType(StrEnum):
    """All possible types a service can have."""

    ZEN_SERVER = "zen_server"
    MODEL_SERVING = "model-serving"