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Public Python API of ZenML.

Everything defined/imported here should be highly import-optimized so we don't slow down the CLI.

show(ngrok_token=None, username=None, password=None)

Show the ZenML dashboard.


Name Type Description Default
ngrok_token Optional[str]

An ngrok auth token to use for exposing the ZenML dashboard on a public domain. Primarily used for accessing the dashboard in Colab.

username Optional[str]

The username to prefill in the login form.

password Optional[str]

The password to prefill in the login form.

Source code in zenml/
def show(
    ngrok_token: Optional[str] = None,
    username: Optional[str] = None,
    password: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    """Show the ZenML dashboard.

        ngrok_token: An ngrok auth token to use for exposing the ZenML
            dashboard on a public domain. Primarily used for accessing the
            dashboard in Colab.
        username: The username to prefill in the login form.
        password: The password to prefill in the login form.
    from zenml.utils.dashboard_utils import show_dashboard
    from zenml.utils.networking_utils import get_or_create_ngrok_tunnel
    from zenml.zen_server.utils import get_active_server_details

    url, port = get_active_server_details()

    if ngrok_token and port:
        ngrok_url = get_or_create_ngrok_tunnel(
            ngrok_token=ngrok_token, port=port
        logger.debug(f"Tunneling dashboard from {url} to {ngrok_url}.")
        url = ngrok_url

    url = f"{url}:{port}" if port else url
    if username:
        url += f"/login?username={username}"
    if username and password:
        url += f"&password={password}"
