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zenml.config special

The config module contains classes and functions that manage user-specific configuration. ZenML's configuration is stored in a file called .zenglobal.json, located on the user's directory for configuration files. (The exact location differs from operating system to operating system.)

The GlobalConfig class is the main class in this module. It provides a Pydantic configuration object that is used to store and retrieve configuration. This GlobalConfig object handles the serialization and deserialization of the configuration options that are stored in the file in order to persist the configuration across sessions.



Class to validate dictionary configurations.

Source code in zenml/config/
class ConfigKeys:
    """Class to validate dictionary configurations."""

    def get_keys(cls) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
        """Gets all the required and optional config keys for this class.

            A tuple (required, optional) which are lists of the
            required/optional keys for this class.
        keys = {
            key: value
            for key, value in cls.__dict__.items()
            if not isinstance(value, classmethod)
            and not isinstance(value, staticmethod)
            and not callable(value)
            and not key.startswith("__")

        required = [v for k, v in keys.items() if not k.endswith("_")]
        optional = [v for k, v in keys.items() if k.endswith("_")]

        return required, optional

    def key_check(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        """Checks whether a configuration dict contains all required keys
        and no unknown keys.

            config: The configuration dict to verify.

            AssertionError: If the dictionary contains unknown keys or
                is missing any required key.
        assert isinstance(config, dict), "Please specify a dict for {}".format(

        # Required and optional keys for the config dict
        required, optional = cls.get_keys()

        # Check for missing keys
        missing_keys = [k for k in required if k not in config.keys()]
        assert len(missing_keys) == 0, "Missing key(s) {} in {}".format(
            missing_keys, cls.__name__

        # Check for unknown keys
        unknown_keys = [
            k for k in config.keys() if k not in required and k not in optional
        assert (
            len(unknown_keys) == 0
        ), "Unknown key(s) {} in {}. Required keys : {} " "Optional Keys: {}".format(
get_keys() classmethod

Gets all the required and optional config keys for this class.


Type Description
Tuple[List[str], List[str]]

A tuple (required, optional) which are lists of the required/optional keys for this class.

Source code in zenml/config/
def get_keys(cls) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
    """Gets all the required and optional config keys for this class.

        A tuple (required, optional) which are lists of the
        required/optional keys for this class.
    keys = {
        key: value
        for key, value in cls.__dict__.items()
        if not isinstance(value, classmethod)
        and not isinstance(value, staticmethod)
        and not callable(value)
        and not key.startswith("__")

    required = [v for k, v in keys.items() if not k.endswith("_")]
    optional = [v for k, v in keys.items() if k.endswith("_")]

    return required, optional
key_check(config) classmethod

Checks whether a configuration dict contains all required keys and no unknown keys.


Name Type Description Default
config Dict[str, Any]

The configuration dict to verify.



Type Description

If the dictionary contains unknown keys or is missing any required key.

Source code in zenml/config/
def key_check(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    """Checks whether a configuration dict contains all required keys
    and no unknown keys.

        config: The configuration dict to verify.

        AssertionError: If the dictionary contains unknown keys or
            is missing any required key.
    assert isinstance(config, dict), "Please specify a dict for {}".format(

    # Required and optional keys for the config dict
    required, optional = cls.get_keys()

    # Check for missing keys
    missing_keys = [k for k in required if k not in config.keys()]
    assert len(missing_keys) == 0, "Missing key(s) {} in {}".format(
        missing_keys, cls.__name__

    # Check for unknown keys
    unknown_keys = [
        k for k in config.keys() if k not in required and k not in optional
    assert (
        len(unknown_keys) == 0
    ), "Unknown key(s) {} in {}. Required keys : {} " "Optional Keys: {}".format(

PipelineConfigurationKeys (ConfigKeys)

Keys for a pipeline configuration dict.

Source code in zenml/config/
class PipelineConfigurationKeys(ConfigKeys):
    """Keys for a pipeline configuration dict."""

    NAME = "name"
    STEPS = "steps"

StepConfigurationKeys (ConfigKeys)

Keys for a step configuration dict.

Source code in zenml/config/
class StepConfigurationKeys(ConfigKeys):
    """Keys for a step configuration dict."""

    SOURCE_ = "source"
    PARAMETERS_ = "parameters"
    MATERIALIZERS_ = "materializers"


Global config for the ZenML installation.

GlobalConfig (BaseComponent) pydantic-model

Class definition for the global config.

Defines global data such as unique user ID and whether they opted in for analytics.

Source code in zenml/config/
class GlobalConfig(BaseComponent):
    """Class definition for the global config.

    Defines global data such as unique user ID and whether they opted in
    for analytics.

    user_id: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4)
    analytics_opt_in: bool = True

    def __init__(self, **data: Any):
        """We persist the attributes in the config file. For the global
        config, we want to persist the data as soon as it is initialized for
        the first time."""

        # At this point, if the serialization file does not exist we should
        #  create it and dump our data.
        f = self.get_serialization_full_path()
        if not fileio.file_exists(str(f)):

    def get_serialization_file_name(self) -> str:
        """Gets the global config dir for installed package."""
        return GLOBAL_CONFIG_NAME
__init__(self, **data) special

We persist the attributes in the config file. For the global config, we want to persist the data as soon as it is initialized for the first time.

Source code in zenml/config/
def __init__(self, **data: Any):
    """We persist the attributes in the config file. For the global
    config, we want to persist the data as soon as it is initialized for
    the first time."""

    # At this point, if the serialization file does not exist we should
    #  create it and dump our data.
    f = self.get_serialization_full_path()
    if not fileio.file_exists(str(f)):

Gets the global config dir for installed package.

Source code in zenml/config/
def get_serialization_file_name(self) -> str:
    """Gets the global config dir for installed package."""