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zenml.metadata special

Initialization of ZenML metadata.

ZenML metadata is any additional, dynamic information that is associated with your pipeline runs and artifacts at runtime.


Custom types that can be used as metadata of ZenML artifacts.

DType (str)

Special string class to indicate a data type.

Source code in zenml/metadata/
class DType(str):
    """Special string class to indicate a data type."""

MetadataTypeEnum (StrEnum)

String Enum of all possible types that metadata can have.

Source code in zenml/metadata/
class MetadataTypeEnum(StrEnum):
    """String Enum of all possible types that metadata can have."""

    STRING = "str"
    INT = "int"
    FLOAT = "float"
    BOOL = "bool"
    LIST = "list"
    DICT = "dict"
    TUPLE = "tuple"
    SET = "set"
    URI = "Uri"
    PATH = "Path"
    DTYPE = "DType"
    STORAGE_SIZE = "StorageSize"

Path (str)

Special string class to indicate a path.

Source code in zenml/metadata/
class Path(str):
    """Special string class to indicate a path."""

StorageSize (int)

Special int class to indicate the storage size in number of bytes.

Source code in zenml/metadata/
class StorageSize(int):
    """Special int class to indicate the storage size in number of bytes."""

Uri (str)

Special string class to indicate a URI.

Source code in zenml/metadata/
class Uri(str):
    """Special string class to indicate a URI."""

cast_to_metadata_type(value, type_)

Cast an object to a metadata type.


Name Type Description Default
value object

The object to cast.

type_ MetadataTypeEnum

The metadata type to cast to.



Type Description
Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Any, Any], List[Any], Set[Any], Tuple[Any, ...], zenml.metadata.metadata_types.Uri, zenml.metadata.metadata_types.Path, zenml.metadata.metadata_types.DType, zenml.metadata.metadata_types.StorageSize]

The value cast to the given metadata type.

Source code in zenml/metadata/
def cast_to_metadata_type(
    value: object,
    type_: MetadataTypeEnum,
) -> MetadataType:
    """Cast an object to a metadata type.

        value: The object to cast.
        type_: The metadata type to cast to.

        The value cast to the given metadata type.
    metadata_type = metadata_enum_to_type_mapping[type_]
    typed_value = metadata_type(value)
    return typed_value  # type: ignore[no-any-return]


Get the metadata type enum for a given object.


Name Type Description Default
object_ object

The object to get the metadata type for.



Type Description

The corresponding metadata type enum.


Type Description

If the metadata type is not supported.

Source code in zenml/metadata/
def get_metadata_type(
    object_: object,
) -> MetadataTypeEnum:
    """Get the metadata type enum for a given object.

        object_: The object to get the metadata type for.

        The corresponding metadata type enum.

        ValueError: If the metadata type is not supported.
    metadata_type = type(object_)
    if metadata_type in metadata_type_to_enum_mapping:
        return metadata_type_to_enum_mapping[metadata_type]
    raise ValueError(f"Metadata type {metadata_type} is not supported.")