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zenml.config special

The config module contains classes and functions that manage user-specific configuration.

ZenML's configuration is stored in a file called config.yaml, located on the user's directory for configuration files. (The exact location differs from operating system to operating system.)

The GlobalConfiguration class is the main class in this module. It provides a Pydantic configuration object that is used to store and retrieve configuration. This GlobalConfiguration object handles the serialization and deserialization of the configuration options that are stored in the file in order to persist the configuration across sessions.

The ProfileConfiguration class is used to model the configuration of a Profile. A GlobalConfiguration object can contain multiple ProfileConfiguration instances.


Base class for global configuration management.

BaseConfiguration (ABC)

Base class for global configuration management.

This class defines the common interface related to profile and stack management that all global configuration classes must implement. Both the GlobalConfiguration and Repository classes implement this class, since they share similarities concerning the management of active profiles and stacks.

Source code in zenml/config/
class BaseConfiguration(ABC):
    """Base class for global configuration management.

    This class defines the common interface related to profile and stack
    management that all global configuration classes must implement.
    Both the GlobalConfiguration and Repository classes implement this class,
    since they share similarities concerning the management of active profiles
    and stacks.

    def activate_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> None:
        """Set the active profile.

            profile_name: The name of the profile to set as active.

            KeyError: If the profile with the given name does not exist.

    def active_profile(self) -> Optional["ProfileConfiguration"]:
        """Return the profile set as active for the repository.

            The active profile or None, if no active profile is set.

    def active_profile_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Return the name of the profile set as active.

            The active profile name or None, if no active profile is set.

    def activate_stack(self, stack_name: str) -> None:
        """Set the active stack for the active profile.

            stack_name: name of the stack to activate

            KeyError: If the stack with the given name does not exist.

    def active_stack_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Get the active stack name from the active profile.

            The active stack name or None if no active stack is set or if
            no active profile is set.
active_profile: Optional[ProfileConfiguration] property readonly

Return the profile set as active for the repository.


Type Description

The active profile or None, if no active profile is set.

active_profile_name: Optional[str] property readonly

Return the name of the profile set as active.


Type Description

The active profile name or None, if no active profile is set.

active_stack_name: Optional[str] property readonly

Get the active stack name from the active profile.


Type Description

The active stack name or None if no active stack is set or if no active profile is set.

activate_profile(self, profile_name)

Set the active profile.


Name Type Description Default
profile_name str

The name of the profile to set as active.



Type Description

If the profile with the given name does not exist.

Source code in zenml/config/
def activate_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> None:
    """Set the active profile.

        profile_name: The name of the profile to set as active.

        KeyError: If the profile with the given name does not exist.
activate_stack(self, stack_name)

Set the active stack for the active profile.


Name Type Description Default
stack_name str

name of the stack to activate



Type Description

If the stack with the given name does not exist.

Source code in zenml/config/
def activate_stack(self, stack_name: str) -> None:
    """Set the active stack for the active profile.

        stack_name: name of the stack to activate

        KeyError: If the stack with the given name does not exist.


Validates global configuration values.


Class to validate dictionary configurations.

Source code in zenml/config/
class ConfigKeys:
    """Class to validate dictionary configurations."""

    def get_keys(cls) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
        """Gets all the required and optional config keys for this class.

            A tuple (required, optional) which are lists of the
            required/optional keys for this class.
        keys = {
            key: value
            for key, value in cls.__dict__.items()
            if not isinstance(value, classmethod)
            and not isinstance(value, staticmethod)
            and not callable(value)
            and not key.startswith("__")

        required = [v for k, v in keys.items() if not k.endswith("_")]
        optional = [v for k, v in keys.items() if k.endswith("_")]

        return required, optional

    def key_check(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        """Checks whether a configuration dict contains all required keys and no unknown keys.

            config: The configuration dict to verify.

            TypeError: If no config dictionary is passed.
            ValueError: If required keys are missing or unknown keys are found.
        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            raise TypeError(f"Please specify a dict for {cls.__name__}")

        # Required and optional keys for the config dict
        required, optional = cls.get_keys()

        # Check for missing keys
        missing_keys = [k for k in required if k not in config.keys()]
        if missing_keys:
            raise ValueError(f"Missing key(s) {missing_keys} in {cls.__name__}")

        # Check for unknown keys
        unknown_keys = [
            k for k in config.keys() if k not in required and k not in optional
        if unknown_keys:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Unknown key(s) {unknown_keys} in {cls.__name__}. "
                f"Required keys: {required}, optional keys: {optional}."
get_keys() classmethod

Gets all the required and optional config keys for this class.


Type Description
Tuple[List[str], List[str]]

A tuple (required, optional) which are lists of the required/optional keys for this class.

Source code in zenml/config/
def get_keys(cls) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
    """Gets all the required and optional config keys for this class.

        A tuple (required, optional) which are lists of the
        required/optional keys for this class.
    keys = {
        key: value
        for key, value in cls.__dict__.items()
        if not isinstance(value, classmethod)
        and not isinstance(value, staticmethod)
        and not callable(value)
        and not key.startswith("__")

    required = [v for k, v in keys.items() if not k.endswith("_")]
    optional = [v for k, v in keys.items() if k.endswith("_")]

    return required, optional
key_check(config) classmethod

Checks whether a configuration dict contains all required keys and no unknown keys.


Name Type Description Default
config Dict[str, Any]

The configuration dict to verify.



Type Description

If no config dictionary is passed.


If required keys are missing or unknown keys are found.

Source code in zenml/config/
def key_check(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    """Checks whether a configuration dict contains all required keys and no unknown keys.

        config: The configuration dict to verify.

        TypeError: If no config dictionary is passed.
        ValueError: If required keys are missing or unknown keys are found.
    if not isinstance(config, dict):
        raise TypeError(f"Please specify a dict for {cls.__name__}")

    # Required and optional keys for the config dict
    required, optional = cls.get_keys()

    # Check for missing keys
    missing_keys = [k for k in required if k not in config.keys()]
    if missing_keys:
        raise ValueError(f"Missing key(s) {missing_keys} in {cls.__name__}")

    # Check for unknown keys
    unknown_keys = [
        k for k in config.keys() if k not in required and k not in optional
    if unknown_keys:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unknown key(s) {unknown_keys} in {cls.__name__}. "
            f"Required keys: {required}, optional keys: {optional}."

PipelineConfigurationKeys (ConfigKeys)

Keys for a pipeline configuration dict.

Source code in zenml/config/
class PipelineConfigurationKeys(ConfigKeys):
    """Keys for a pipeline configuration dict."""

    NAME = "name"
    STEPS = "steps"

SourceConfigurationKeys (ConfigKeys)

Keys for a step configuration source dict.

Source code in zenml/config/
class SourceConfigurationKeys(ConfigKeys):
    """Keys for a step configuration source dict."""

    FILE_ = "file"
    NAME_ = "name"

StepConfigurationKeys (ConfigKeys)

Keys for a step configuration dict.

Source code in zenml/config/
class StepConfigurationKeys(ConfigKeys):
    """Keys for a step configuration dict."""

    SOURCE_ = "source"
    PARAMETERS_ = "parameters"
    MATERIALIZERS_ = "materializers"


Docker configuration.

DockerConfiguration (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Configuration for building Docker images to run ZenML pipelines.

Build process:
  • No dockerfile specified: If any of the configuration options regarding requirements, environment variables or copying files require us to build an image, ZenML will build this image. Otherwise the parent_image will be used to run the pipeline.
  • dockerfile specified: ZenML will first build an image based on the specified Dockerfile. If any of the configuration options regarding requirements, environment variables or copying files require an additional image built on top of that, ZenML will build a second image. If not, the image build from the specified Dockerfile will be used to run the pipeline.
Requirements installation order:

Depending on the configuration of this object, requirements will be installed in the following order (each step optional): - The packages installed in your local python environment - The packages specified via the requirements attribute - The packages specified via the required_integrations and potentially stack requirements


Name Type Description
parent_image Optional[str]

Full name of the Docker image that should be used as the parent for the image that will be built. Defaults to a ZenML image built for the active Python and ZenML version.

Additional notes: * If you specify a custom image here, you need to make sure it has ZenML installed. * If this is a non-local image, the environment which is running the pipeline and building the Docker image needs to be able to pull this image. * If a custom dockerfile is specified for this configuration object, this parent image will be ignored.

dockerfile Optional[str]

Path to a custom Dockerfile that should be built. Depending on the other values you specify in this configuration, the resulting image will be used directly to run your pipeline or ZenML will use it as a parent image to build on top of. See the general docstring of this class for more information.

Additional notes: * If you specify this, the parent_image attribute will be ignored. * If you specify this, the image built from this Dockerfile needs to have ZenML installed.

build_context_root Optional[str]

Build context root for the Docker build, only used when the dockerfile attribute is set. If this is left empty, the build context will only contain the Dockerfile.

build_options Dict[str, Any]

Additional options that will be passed unmodified to the Docker build call when building an image using the specified dockerfile. You can use this to for example specify build args or a target stage. See for a full list of available options.


Name of the Docker repository to which the image should be pushed. This repository will be appended to the registry URI of the container registry of your stack and should therefore not include any registry.

replicate_local_python_environment Optional[zenml.config.docker_configuration.PythonEnvironmentExportMethod]

If not None, ZenML will use the specified method to generate a requirements file that replicates the packages installed in the currently running python environment. This requirements file will then be installed in the Docker image.

requirements Union[NoneType, str, List[str]]

Path to a requirements file or a list of required pip packages. During the image build, these requirements will be installed using pip. If you need to use a different tool to resolve and/or install your packages, please use a custom parent image or specify a custom dockerfile.

required_integrations List[str]

List of ZenML integrations that should be installed. All requirements for the specified integrations will be installed inside the Docker image.

install_stack_requirements bool

If True, ZenML will automatically detect if components of your active stack are part of a ZenML integration and install the corresponding requirements. If you set this to False or use custom components in your stack, you need to make sure these get installed by specifying them in the requirements attribute.

environment Dict[str, Any]

Dictionary of environment variables to set inside the Docker image.

dockerignore Optional[str]

Path to a dockerignore file to use when building the Docker image.

copy_files bool

If True, user files will be copied into the Docker image. If this is set to False, ZenML will not copy any of your files into the Docker image and you're responsible that all the files to run your pipeline exist in the right place.

copy_profile bool

If True, the configuration of the active profile and stack will be copied into the Docker image. If this is set to False, ZenML will not copy this configuration and you're responsible for making sure the right stack is active inside the Docker image.

Source code in zenml/config/
class DockerConfiguration(BaseModel):
    """Configuration for building Docker images to run ZenML pipelines.

    Build process:
    * No `dockerfile` specified: If any of the configuration options regarding
    requirements, environment variables or copying files require us to build an
    image, ZenML will build this image. Otherwise the `parent_image` will be
    used to run the pipeline.
    * `dockerfile` specified: ZenML will first build an image based on the
    specified Dockerfile. If any of the configuration options regarding
    requirements, environment variables or copying files require an additional
    image built on top of that, ZenML will build a second image. If not, the
    image build from the specified Dockerfile will be used to run the pipeline.

    Requirements installation order:
    Depending on the configuration of this object, requirements will be
    installed in the following order (each step optional):
    - The packages installed in your local python environment
    - The packages specified via the `requirements` attribute
    - The packages specified via the `required_integrations` and potentially
      stack requirements

        parent_image: Full name of the Docker image that should be
            used as the parent for the image that will be built. Defaults to
            a ZenML image built for the active Python and ZenML version.

            Additional notes:
            * If you specify a custom image here, you need to make sure it has
            ZenML installed.
            * If this is a non-local image, the environment which is running
            the pipeline and building the Docker image needs to be able to pull
            this image.
            * If a custom `dockerfile` is specified for this configuration
            object, this parent image will be ignored.
        dockerfile: Path to a custom Dockerfile that should be built. Depending
            on the other values you specify in this configuration, the resulting
            image will be used directly to run your pipeline or ZenML will use
            it as a parent image to build on top of. See the general docstring
            of this class for more information.

            Additional notes:
            * If you specify this, the `parent_image` attribute will be ignored.
            * If you specify this, the image built from this Dockerfile needs
            to have ZenML installed.
        build_context_root: Build context root for the Docker build, only used
            when the `dockerfile` attribute is set. If this is left empty, the
            build context will only contain the Dockerfile.
        build_options: Additional options that will be passed unmodified to the
            Docker build call when building an image using the specified
            `dockerfile`. You can use this to for example specify build
            args or a target stage. See
            for a full list of available options.
        docker_target_repository: Name of the Docker repository to which the
            image should be pushed. This repository will be appended to the
            registry URI of the container registry of your stack and should
            therefore **not** include any registry.
        replicate_local_python_environment: If not `None`, ZenML will use the
            specified method to generate a requirements file that replicates
            the packages installed in the currently running python environment.
            This requirements file will then be installed in the Docker image.
        requirements: Path to a requirements file or a list of required pip
            packages. During the image build, these requirements will be
            installed using pip. If you need to use a different tool to
            resolve and/or install your packages, please use a custom parent
            image or specify a custom `dockerfile`.
        required_integrations: List of ZenML integrations that should be
            installed. All requirements for the specified integrations will
            be installed inside the Docker image.
        install_stack_requirements: If `True`, ZenML will automatically detect
            if components of your active stack are part of a ZenML integration
            and install the corresponding requirements. If you set this to
            `False` or use custom components in your stack, you need to make
            sure these get installed by specifying them in the `requirements`
        environment: Dictionary of environment variables to set inside the
            Docker image.
        dockerignore: Path to a dockerignore file to use when building the
            Docker image.
        copy_files: If `True`, user files will be copied into the Docker image.
            If this is set to `False`, ZenML will not copy any of your files
            into the Docker image and you're responsible that all the files
            to run your pipeline exist in the right place.
        copy_profile: If `True`, the configuration of the active profile and
            stack will be copied into the Docker image. If this is set to
            `False`, ZenML will not copy this configuration and you're
            responsible for making sure the right stack is active inside the
            Docker image.

    parent_image: Optional[str] = None
    dockerfile: Optional[str] = None
    build_context_root: Optional[str] = None
    build_options: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    target_repository: str = "zenml"

    replicate_local_python_environment: Optional[
    ] = None
    requirements: Union[None, str, List[str]] = None
    required_integrations: List[str] = []
    install_stack_requirements: bool = True

    environment: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    dockerignore: Optional[str] = None
    copy_files: bool = True
    copy_profile: bool = True

    class Config:
        """Pydantic configuration class."""

        # public attributes are immutable
        allow_mutation = False
        # prevent extra attributes during model initialization
        extra = Extra.forbid

Pydantic configuration class.

Source code in zenml/config/
class Config:
    """Pydantic configuration class."""

    # public attributes are immutable
    allow_mutation = False
    # prevent extra attributes during model initialization
    extra = Extra.forbid

PythonEnvironmentExportMethod (Enum)

Different methods to export the local Python environment.

Source code in zenml/config/
class PythonEnvironmentExportMethod(Enum):
    """Different methods to export the local Python environment."""

    PIP_FREEZE = "pip_freeze"
    POETRY_EXPORT = "poetry_export"

    def command(self) -> str:
        """Shell command that outputs local python packages.

        The output string must be something that can be interpreted as a
        requirements file for pip once it's written to a file.

            Shell command.
        return {
            PythonEnvironmentExportMethod.PIP_FREEZE: "pip freeze",
            PythonEnvironmentExportMethod.POETRY_EXPORT: "poetry export --format=requirements.txt",


Functionality to support ZenML GlobalConfiguration.

GlobalConfigMetaClass (ModelMetaclass)

Global configuration metaclass.

This metaclass is used to enforce a singleton instance of the GlobalConfiguration class with the following additional properties:

  • the GlobalConfiguration is initialized automatically on import with the default configuration, if no config file exists yet.
  • an empty default profile is added to the global config on initialization if no other profiles are configured yet.
  • the GlobalConfiguration undergoes a schema migration if the version of the config file is older than the current version of the ZenML package.
Source code in zenml/config/
class GlobalConfigMetaClass(ModelMetaclass):
    """Global configuration metaclass.

    This metaclass is used to enforce a singleton instance of the
    GlobalConfiguration class with the following additional properties:

    * the GlobalConfiguration is initialized automatically on import with the
    default configuration, if no config file exists yet.
    * an empty default profile is added to the global config on initialization
    if no other profiles are configured yet.
    * the GlobalConfiguration undergoes a schema migration if the version of the
    config file is older than the current version of the ZenML package.

    def __init__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Initialize a singleton class.

            *args: positional arguments
            **kwargs: keyword arguments
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        cls._global_config: Optional["GlobalConfiguration"] = None

    def __call__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "GlobalConfiguration":
        """Create or return the default global config instance.

        If the GlobalConfiguration constructor is called with custom arguments,
        the singleton functionality of the metaclass is bypassed: a new
        GlobalConfiguration instance is created and returned immediately and
        without saving it as the global GlobalConfiguration singleton.

            *args: positional arguments
            **kwargs: keyword arguments

            The global GlobalConfiguration instance.
        if args or kwargs:
            return cast(
                "GlobalConfiguration", super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)

        if not cls._global_config:
            cls._global_config = cast(
                "GlobalConfiguration", super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)

        return cls._global_config
__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs) special

Create or return the default global config instance.

If the GlobalConfiguration constructor is called with custom arguments, the singleton functionality of the metaclass is bypassed: a new GlobalConfiguration instance is created and returned immediately and without saving it as the global GlobalConfiguration singleton.


Name Type Description Default
*args Any

positional arguments

**kwargs Any

keyword arguments



Type Description

The global GlobalConfiguration instance.

Source code in zenml/config/
def __call__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "GlobalConfiguration":
    """Create or return the default global config instance.

    If the GlobalConfiguration constructor is called with custom arguments,
    the singleton functionality of the metaclass is bypassed: a new
    GlobalConfiguration instance is created and returned immediately and
    without saving it as the global GlobalConfiguration singleton.

        *args: positional arguments
        **kwargs: keyword arguments

        The global GlobalConfiguration instance.
    if args or kwargs:
        return cast(
            "GlobalConfiguration", super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)

    if not cls._global_config:
        cls._global_config = cast(
            "GlobalConfiguration", super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)

    return cls._global_config
__init__(cls, *args, **kwargs) special

Initialize a singleton class.


Name Type Description Default
*args Any

positional arguments

**kwargs Any

keyword arguments

Source code in zenml/config/
def __init__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    """Initialize a singleton class.

        *args: positional arguments
        **kwargs: keyword arguments
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    cls._global_config: Optional["GlobalConfiguration"] = None

GlobalConfiguration (BaseModel, BaseConfiguration) pydantic-model

Stores global configuration options.

Configuration options are read from a config file, but can be overwritten by environment variables. See GlobalConfiguration.__getattribute__ for more details.


Name Type Description
user_id UUID

Unique user id.

analytics_opt_in bool

If a user agreed to sending analytics or not.

version Optional[str]

Version of ZenML that was last used to create or update the global config.

activated_profile Optional[str]

The name of the active configuration profile.

profiles Dict[str, zenml.config.profile_config.ProfileConfiguration]

Map of configuration profiles, indexed by name.

_config_path str

Directory where the global config file is stored.

Source code in zenml/config/
class GlobalConfiguration(
    BaseModel, BaseConfiguration, metaclass=GlobalConfigMetaClass
    """Stores global configuration options.

    Configuration options are read from a config file, but can be overwritten
    by environment variables. See `GlobalConfiguration.__getattribute__` for
    more details.

        user_id: Unique user id.
        analytics_opt_in: If a user agreed to sending analytics or not.
        version: Version of ZenML that was last used to create or update the
            global config.
        activated_profile: The name of the active configuration profile.
        profiles: Map of configuration profiles, indexed by name.
        _config_path: Directory where the global config file is stored.

    user_id: uuid.UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid.uuid4, allow_mutation=False)
    user_metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
    analytics_opt_in: bool = True
    version: Optional[str]
    activated_profile: Optional[str]
    profiles: Dict[str, ProfileConfiguration] = Field(default_factory=dict)
    _config_path: str

    def __init__(
        self, config_path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> None:
        """Initializes a GlobalConfiguration object using values from the config file.

        GlobalConfiguration is a singleton class: only one instance can exist.
        Calling this constructor multiple times will always yield the same
        instance (see the exception below).

        The `config_path` argument is only meant for internal use and testing
        purposes. User code must never pass it to the constructor. When a custom
        `config_path` value is passed, an anonymous GlobalConfiguration instance
        is created and returned independently of the GlobalConfiguration
        singleton and that will have no effect as far as the rest of the ZenML
        core code is concerned.

        If the config file doesn't exist yet, we try to read values from the
        legacy (ZenML version < 0.6) config file.

            config_path: (internal use) custom config file path. When not
                specified, the default global configuration path is used and the
                global configuration singleton instance is returned. Only used
                to create configuration copies for transfer to different
                runtime environments.
            **kwargs: keyword arguments
        self._config_path = config_path or self.default_config_directory()
        config_values = self._read_config()

        if not fileio.exists(self._config_file(config_path)):

    def get_instance(cls) -> Optional["GlobalConfiguration"]:
        """Return the GlobalConfiguration singleton instance.

            The GlobalConfiguration singleton instance or None, if the
            GlobalConfiguration hasn't been initialized yet.
        return cls._global_config

    def _reset_instance(
        cls, config: Optional["GlobalConfiguration"] = None
    ) -> None:
        """Reset the GlobalConfiguration singleton instance.

        This method is only meant for internal use and testing purposes.

            config: The GlobalConfiguration instance to set as the global
                singleton. If None, the global GlobalConfiguration singleton is
                reset to an empty value.
        cls._global_config = config

    def _validate_version(cls, v: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
        """Validate the version attribute.

            v: The version attribute value.

            The version attribute value.

            RuntimeError: If the version parsing fails.
        if v is None:
            return v

        if not isinstance(version.parse(v), version.Version):
            # If the version parsing fails, it returns a `LegacyVersion` instead.
            # Check to make sure it's an actual `Version` object which represents
            # a valid version.
            raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid version in global configuration: {v}.")

        return v

    def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
        """Sets an attribute on the config and persists the new value in the global configuration.

            key: The attribute name.
            value: The attribute value.
        super().__setattr__(key, value)
        if key.startswith("_"):

    def __custom_getattribute__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        """Gets an attribute value for a specific key.

        If a value for this attribute was specified using an environment
        variable called `$(CONFIG_ENV_VAR_PREFIX)$(ATTRIBUTE_NAME)` and its
        value can be parsed to the attribute type, the value from this
        environment variable is returned instead.

            key: The attribute name.

            The attribute value.
        value = super().__getattribute__(key)
        if key.startswith("_"):
            return value

        environment_variable_name = f"{CONFIG_ENV_VAR_PREFIX}{key.upper()}"
            environment_variable_value = os.environ[environment_variable_name]
            # set the environment variable value to leverage Pydantic's type
            # conversion and validation
            super().__setattr__(key, environment_variable_value)
            return_value = super().__getattribute__(key)
            # set back the old value as we don't want to permanently store
            # the environment variable value here
            super().__setattr__(key, value)
            return return_value
        except (ValidationError, KeyError, TypeError):
            return value

    if not TYPE_CHECKING:
        # When defining __getattribute__, mypy allows accessing non-existent
        # attributes without failing
        # (see
        __getattribute__ = __custom_getattribute__

    def _migrate_config(self) -> None:
        """Migrates the global config to the latest version."""
        curr_version = version.parse(__version__)
        if self.version is None:
                "Initializing the ZenML global configuration version to %s",
            config_version = version.parse(self.version)
            if config_version > curr_version:
                    "The ZenML global configuration version (%s) is higher "
                    "than the version of ZenML currently being used (%s). "
                    "This may happen if you recently downgraded ZenML to an "
                    "earlier version, or if you have already used a more "
                    "recent ZenML version on the same machine. "
                    "It is highly recommended that you update ZenML to at "
                    "least match the global configuration version, otherwise "
                    "you may run into unexpected issues such as model schema "
                    "validation failures or even loss of information.",
                # TODO [ENG-899]: Give more detailed instruction on how to resolve
                #  version mismatch.

            if config_version == curr_version:

                "Migrating the ZenML global configuration from version %s "
                "to version %s...",

        # this will also trigger rewriting the config file to disk
        # to ensure the schema migration results are persisted
        self.version = __version__

    def _read_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Reads configuration options from disk.

        If the config file doesn't exist yet, this method falls back to reading
        options from a legacy config file or returns an empty dictionary.

            A dictionary containing the configuration options.
        legacy_config_file = os.path.join(
            self.config_directory, LEGACY_CONFIG_FILE_NAME

        config_values = {}
        if fileio.exists(self._config_file()):
            config_values = cast(
                Dict[str, Any],
        elif fileio.exists(legacy_config_file):
            config_values = cast(
                Dict[str, Any], yaml_utils.read_json(legacy_config_file)

        return config_values

    def _write_config(self, config_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        """Writes the global configuration options to disk.

            config_path: custom config file path. When not specified, the default
                global configuration path is used.
        config_file = self._config_file(config_path)
        yaml_dict = json.loads(self.json())
        logger.debug(f"Writing config to {config_file}")

        if not fileio.exists(config_file):
                config_path or self.config_directory

        yaml_utils.write_yaml(config_file, yaml_dict)

    def default_config_directory() -> str:
        """Path to the default global configuration directory.

            The default global configuration directory.
        return io_utils.get_global_config_directory()

    def _config_file(self, config_path: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
        """Path to the file where global configuration options are stored.

            config_path: custom config file path. When not specified, the
                default global configuration path is used.

            The path to the global configuration file.
        return os.path.join(config_path or self._config_path, "config.yaml")

    def copy_active_configuration(
        config_path: str,
        load_config_path: Optional[PurePath] = None,
    ) -> "GlobalConfiguration":
        """Create a copy of the global config, the active repository profile and the active stack using a different configuration path.

        This method is used to extract the active slice of the current state
        (consisting only of the global configuration, the active profile and the
        active stack) and store it in a different configuration path, where it
        can be loaded in the context of a new environment, such as a container

            config_path: path where the active configuration copy should be saved
            load_config_path: path that will be used to load the configuration
                copy. This can be set to a value different from `config_path`
                if the configuration copy will be loaded from a different
                path, e.g. when the global config copy is copied to a
                container image. This will be reflected in the paths and URLs
                encoded in the profile copy.

            A new global configuration object with the active configuration
            copied to the specified path.
        from zenml.repository import Repository


        config_copy = GlobalConfiguration(config_path=config_path)
        config_copy.profiles = {}

        repo = Repository()
        profile = ProfileConfiguration(

        profile._config = config_copy
        # circumvent the profile initialization done in the
        # ProfileConfiguration and the Repository classes to avoid triggering
        # the analytics and interact directly with the store creation
        config_copy.profiles[] = profile
        # We don't need to track analytics here
        store = Repository.create_store(
        # transfer the active stack and all necessary flavors to the new store.
        # we disable logs for this call so there is no confusion about newly registered
        # stacks/components/flavors
        with disable_logging(logging.INFO):
            active_stack = repo.zen_store.get_stack(repo.active_stack_name)

            for component in active_stack.components:
                    flavor = repo.zen_store.get_flavor_by_name_and_type(
                except KeyError:
                    # not a custom flavor, no need to register anything

        # if a custom load config path is specified, use it to replace the
        # current store local path in the profile URL
        if load_config_path:
            store_path = store.get_path_from_url(store.url)
            if store_path:
                relative_store_path = PurePath(store_path).relative_to(
                new_store_path = str(load_config_path / relative_store_path)
                profile.store_url = store.get_local_url(new_store_path)
                # the store url is not a local URL. This only happens
                # in case of a REST ZenStore, in which case we don't
                # want to modify the URL
                profile.store_url = store.url

        return config_copy

    def config_directory(self) -> str:
        """Directory where the global configuration file is located.

            The directory where the global configuration file is located.
        return self._config_path

    def add_or_update_profile(
        self, profile: ProfileConfiguration
    ) -> ProfileConfiguration:
        """Adds or updates a profile in the global configuration.

            profile: profile configuration

            the profile configuration added to the global configuration
        profile = profile.copy()
        profile._config = self
        if not in self.profiles:
                {"store_type": profile.store_type.value},
        self.profiles[] = profile
        return profile

    def get_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> Optional[ProfileConfiguration]:
        """Get a global configuration profile.

            profile_name: name of the profile to get

            The profile configuration or None if the profile doesn't exist
        return self.profiles.get(profile_name)

    def has_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> bool:
        """Check if a named global configuration profile exists.

            profile_name: name of the profile to check

            True if the profile exists, otherwise False
        return profile_name in self.profiles

    def activate_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> None:
        """Set a profile as the active.

            profile_name: name of the profile to add

            KeyError: If the profile with the given name does not exist.
        if profile_name not in self.profiles:
            raise KeyError(f"Profile '{profile_name}' not found.")
        self.activated_profile = profile_name

    def _add_and_activate_default_profile(
    ) -> Optional[ProfileConfiguration]:
        """Creates and activates the default configuration profile if no profiles are configured.

            The newly created default profile or None if other profiles are
        if self.profiles:
            return None"Creating default profile...")
        default_profile = ProfileConfiguration(
        self.activate_profile(DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME)"Created and activated default profile.")

        return default_profile

    def active_profile(self) -> Optional[ProfileConfiguration]:
        """Return the active profile.

            The active profile.
        if not self.activated_profile:
            return None
        return self.profiles[self.activated_profile]

    def active_profile_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Return the name of the active profile.

            The name of the active profile.
        return self.activated_profile

    def delete_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> None:
        """Deletes a profile from the global configuration.

        If the profile is active, it cannot be removed.

            profile_name: name of the profile to delete

            KeyError: if the profile does not exist
            ValueError: if the profile is active
        if profile_name not in self.profiles:
            raise KeyError(f"Profile '{profile_name}' not found.")
        if profile_name == self.active_profile:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Unable to delete active profile '{profile_name}'."

        profile = self.profiles[profile_name]
        del self.profiles[profile_name]


    def activate_stack(self, stack_name: str) -> None:
        """Set the active stack for the active profile.

            stack_name: name of the stack to activate
        if not self.active_profile:
        self.active_profile.active_stack = stack_name

    def active_stack_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Get the active stack name from the active profile.

            The active stack name or None if no active stack is set or if
            no active profile is set.
        if not self.active_profile:
            return None

        return self.active_profile.get_active_stack()

    class Config:
        """Pydantic configuration class."""

        # Validate attributes when assigning them. We need to set this in order
        # to have a mix of mutable and immutable attributes
        validate_assignment = True
        # Ignore extra attributes from configs of previous ZenML versions
        extra = "ignore"
        # all attributes with leading underscore are private and therefore
        # are mutable and not included in serialization
        underscore_attrs_are_private = True
active_profile: Optional[zenml.config.profile_config.ProfileConfiguration] property readonly

Return the active profile.


Type Description

The active profile.

active_profile_name: Optional[str] property readonly

Return the name of the active profile.


Type Description

The name of the active profile.

active_stack_name: Optional[str] property readonly

Get the active stack name from the active profile.


Type Description

The active stack name or None if no active stack is set or if no active profile is set.

config_directory: str property readonly

Directory where the global configuration file is located.


Type Description

The directory where the global configuration file is located.


Pydantic configuration class.

Source code in zenml/config/
class Config:
    """Pydantic configuration class."""

    # Validate attributes when assigning them. We need to set this in order
    # to have a mix of mutable and immutable attributes
    validate_assignment = True
    # Ignore extra attributes from configs of previous ZenML versions
    extra = "ignore"
    # all attributes with leading underscore are private and therefore
    # are mutable and not included in serialization
    underscore_attrs_are_private = True
__custom_getattribute__(self, key) special

Gets an attribute value for a specific key.

If a value for this attribute was specified using an environment variable called $(CONFIG_ENV_VAR_PREFIX)$(ATTRIBUTE_NAME) and its value can be parsed to the attribute type, the value from this environment variable is returned instead.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The attribute name.



Type Description

The attribute value.

Source code in zenml/config/
def __custom_getattribute__(self, key: str) -> Any:
    """Gets an attribute value for a specific key.

    If a value for this attribute was specified using an environment
    variable called `$(CONFIG_ENV_VAR_PREFIX)$(ATTRIBUTE_NAME)` and its
    value can be parsed to the attribute type, the value from this
    environment variable is returned instead.

        key: The attribute name.

        The attribute value.
    value = super().__getattribute__(key)
    if key.startswith("_"):
        return value

    environment_variable_name = f"{CONFIG_ENV_VAR_PREFIX}{key.upper()}"
        environment_variable_value = os.environ[environment_variable_name]
        # set the environment variable value to leverage Pydantic's type
        # conversion and validation
        super().__setattr__(key, environment_variable_value)
        return_value = super().__getattribute__(key)
        # set back the old value as we don't want to permanently store
        # the environment variable value here
        super().__setattr__(key, value)
        return return_value
    except (ValidationError, KeyError, TypeError):
        return value
__getattribute__(self, key) special

Gets an attribute value for a specific key.

If a value for this attribute was specified using an environment variable called $(CONFIG_ENV_VAR_PREFIX)$(ATTRIBUTE_NAME) and its value can be parsed to the attribute type, the value from this environment variable is returned instead.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The attribute name.



Type Description

The attribute value.

Source code in zenml/config/
def __custom_getattribute__(self, key: str) -> Any:
    """Gets an attribute value for a specific key.

    If a value for this attribute was specified using an environment
    variable called `$(CONFIG_ENV_VAR_PREFIX)$(ATTRIBUTE_NAME)` and its
    value can be parsed to the attribute type, the value from this
    environment variable is returned instead.

        key: The attribute name.

        The attribute value.
    value = super().__getattribute__(key)
    if key.startswith("_"):
        return value

    environment_variable_name = f"{CONFIG_ENV_VAR_PREFIX}{key.upper()}"
        environment_variable_value = os.environ[environment_variable_name]
        # set the environment variable value to leverage Pydantic's type
        # conversion and validation
        super().__setattr__(key, environment_variable_value)
        return_value = super().__getattribute__(key)
        # set back the old value as we don't want to permanently store
        # the environment variable value here
        super().__setattr__(key, value)
        return return_value
    except (ValidationError, KeyError, TypeError):
        return value
__init__(self, config_path=None, **kwargs) special

Initializes a GlobalConfiguration object using values from the config file.

GlobalConfiguration is a singleton class: only one instance can exist. Calling this constructor multiple times will always yield the same instance (see the exception below).

The config_path argument is only meant for internal use and testing purposes. User code must never pass it to the constructor. When a custom config_path value is passed, an anonymous GlobalConfiguration instance is created and returned independently of the GlobalConfiguration singleton and that will have no effect as far as the rest of the ZenML core code is concerned.

If the config file doesn't exist yet, we try to read values from the legacy (ZenML version < 0.6) config file.


Name Type Description Default
config_path Optional[str]

(internal use) custom config file path. When not specified, the default global configuration path is used and the global configuration singleton instance is returned. Only used to create configuration copies for transfer to different runtime environments.

**kwargs Any

keyword arguments

Source code in zenml/config/
def __init__(
    self, config_path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
    """Initializes a GlobalConfiguration object using values from the config file.

    GlobalConfiguration is a singleton class: only one instance can exist.
    Calling this constructor multiple times will always yield the same
    instance (see the exception below).

    The `config_path` argument is only meant for internal use and testing
    purposes. User code must never pass it to the constructor. When a custom
    `config_path` value is passed, an anonymous GlobalConfiguration instance
    is created and returned independently of the GlobalConfiguration
    singleton and that will have no effect as far as the rest of the ZenML
    core code is concerned.

    If the config file doesn't exist yet, we try to read values from the
    legacy (ZenML version < 0.6) config file.

        config_path: (internal use) custom config file path. When not
            specified, the default global configuration path is used and the
            global configuration singleton instance is returned. Only used
            to create configuration copies for transfer to different
            runtime environments.
        **kwargs: keyword arguments
    self._config_path = config_path or self.default_config_directory()
    config_values = self._read_config()

    if not fileio.exists(self._config_file(config_path)):
__setattr__(self, key, value) special

Sets an attribute on the config and persists the new value in the global configuration.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The attribute name.

value Any

The attribute value.

Source code in zenml/config/
def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
    """Sets an attribute on the config and persists the new value in the global configuration.

        key: The attribute name.
        value: The attribute value.
    super().__setattr__(key, value)
    if key.startswith("_"):
activate_profile(self, profile_name)

Set a profile as the active.


Name Type Description Default
profile_name str

name of the profile to add



Type Description

If the profile with the given name does not exist.

Source code in zenml/config/
def activate_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> None:
    """Set a profile as the active.

        profile_name: name of the profile to add

        KeyError: If the profile with the given name does not exist.
    if profile_name not in self.profiles:
        raise KeyError(f"Profile '{profile_name}' not found.")
    self.activated_profile = profile_name
activate_stack(self, stack_name)

Set the active stack for the active profile.


Name Type Description Default
stack_name str

name of the stack to activate

Source code in zenml/config/
def activate_stack(self, stack_name: str) -> None:
    """Set the active stack for the active profile.

        stack_name: name of the stack to activate
    if not self.active_profile:
    self.active_profile.active_stack = stack_name
add_or_update_profile(self, profile)

Adds or updates a profile in the global configuration.


Name Type Description Default
profile ProfileConfiguration

profile configuration



Type Description

the profile configuration added to the global configuration

Source code in zenml/config/
def add_or_update_profile(
    self, profile: ProfileConfiguration
) -> ProfileConfiguration:
    """Adds or updates a profile in the global configuration.

        profile: profile configuration

        the profile configuration added to the global configuration
    profile = profile.copy()
    profile._config = self
    if not in self.profiles:
            {"store_type": profile.store_type.value},
    self.profiles[] = profile
    return profile
copy_active_configuration(self, config_path, load_config_path=None)

Create a copy of the global config, the active repository profile and the active stack using a different configuration path.

This method is used to extract the active slice of the current state (consisting only of the global configuration, the active profile and the active stack) and store it in a different configuration path, where it can be loaded in the context of a new environment, such as a container image.


Name Type Description Default
config_path str

path where the active configuration copy should be saved

load_config_path Optional[pathlib.PurePath]

path that will be used to load the configuration copy. This can be set to a value different from config_path if the configuration copy will be loaded from a different path, e.g. when the global config copy is copied to a container image. This will be reflected in the paths and URLs encoded in the profile copy.



Type Description

A new global configuration object with the active configuration copied to the specified path.

Source code in zenml/config/
def copy_active_configuration(
    config_path: str,
    load_config_path: Optional[PurePath] = None,
) -> "GlobalConfiguration":
    """Create a copy of the global config, the active repository profile and the active stack using a different configuration path.

    This method is used to extract the active slice of the current state
    (consisting only of the global configuration, the active profile and the
    active stack) and store it in a different configuration path, where it
    can be loaded in the context of a new environment, such as a container

        config_path: path where the active configuration copy should be saved
        load_config_path: path that will be used to load the configuration
            copy. This can be set to a value different from `config_path`
            if the configuration copy will be loaded from a different
            path, e.g. when the global config copy is copied to a
            container image. This will be reflected in the paths and URLs
            encoded in the profile copy.

        A new global configuration object with the active configuration
        copied to the specified path.
    from zenml.repository import Repository


    config_copy = GlobalConfiguration(config_path=config_path)
    config_copy.profiles = {}

    repo = Repository()
    profile = ProfileConfiguration(

    profile._config = config_copy
    # circumvent the profile initialization done in the
    # ProfileConfiguration and the Repository classes to avoid triggering
    # the analytics and interact directly with the store creation
    config_copy.profiles[] = profile
    # We don't need to track analytics here
    store = Repository.create_store(
    # transfer the active stack and all necessary flavors to the new store.
    # we disable logs for this call so there is no confusion about newly registered
    # stacks/components/flavors
    with disable_logging(logging.INFO):
        active_stack = repo.zen_store.get_stack(repo.active_stack_name)

        for component in active_stack.components:
                flavor = repo.zen_store.get_flavor_by_name_and_type(
            except KeyError:
                # not a custom flavor, no need to register anything

    # if a custom load config path is specified, use it to replace the
    # current store local path in the profile URL
    if load_config_path:
        store_path = store.get_path_from_url(store.url)
        if store_path:
            relative_store_path = PurePath(store_path).relative_to(
            new_store_path = str(load_config_path / relative_store_path)
            profile.store_url = store.get_local_url(new_store_path)
            # the store url is not a local URL. This only happens
            # in case of a REST ZenStore, in which case we don't
            # want to modify the URL
            profile.store_url = store.url

    return config_copy
default_config_directory() staticmethod

Path to the default global configuration directory.


Type Description

The default global configuration directory.

Source code in zenml/config/
def default_config_directory() -> str:
    """Path to the default global configuration directory.

        The default global configuration directory.
    return io_utils.get_global_config_directory()
delete_profile(self, profile_name)

Deletes a profile from the global configuration.

If the profile is active, it cannot be removed.


Name Type Description Default
profile_name str

name of the profile to delete



Type Description

if the profile does not exist


if the profile is active

Source code in zenml/config/
def delete_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> None:
    """Deletes a profile from the global configuration.

    If the profile is active, it cannot be removed.

        profile_name: name of the profile to delete

        KeyError: if the profile does not exist
        ValueError: if the profile is active
    if profile_name not in self.profiles:
        raise KeyError(f"Profile '{profile_name}' not found.")
    if profile_name == self.active_profile:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unable to delete active profile '{profile_name}'."

    profile = self.profiles[profile_name]
    del self.profiles[profile_name]

get_instance() classmethod

Return the GlobalConfiguration singleton instance.


Type Description

The GlobalConfiguration singleton instance or None, if the GlobalConfiguration hasn't been initialized yet.

Source code in zenml/config/
def get_instance(cls) -> Optional["GlobalConfiguration"]:
    """Return the GlobalConfiguration singleton instance.

        The GlobalConfiguration singleton instance or None, if the
        GlobalConfiguration hasn't been initialized yet.
    return cls._global_config
get_profile(self, profile_name)

Get a global configuration profile.


Name Type Description Default
profile_name str

name of the profile to get



Type Description

The profile configuration or None if the profile doesn't exist

Source code in zenml/config/
def get_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> Optional[ProfileConfiguration]:
    """Get a global configuration profile.

        profile_name: name of the profile to get

        The profile configuration or None if the profile doesn't exist
    return self.profiles.get(profile_name)
has_profile(self, profile_name)

Check if a named global configuration profile exists.


Name Type Description Default
profile_name str

name of the profile to check



Type Description

True if the profile exists, otherwise False

Source code in zenml/config/
def has_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> bool:
    """Check if a named global configuration profile exists.

        profile_name: name of the profile to check

        True if the profile exists, otherwise False
    return profile_name in self.profiles


Functionality to support ZenML Profile configuration.

ProfileConfiguration (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Stores configuration profile options.


Name Type Description

Name of the profile.


Name of the active user.


URL pointing to the ZenML store backend.


Type of the store backend.


Optional name of the active stack.


global configuration to which this profile belongs.

Source code in zenml/config/
class ProfileConfiguration(BaseModel):
    """Stores configuration profile options.

        name: Name of the profile.
        active_user: Name of the active user.
        store_url: URL pointing to the ZenML store backend.
        store_type: Type of the store backend.
        active_stack: Optional name of the active stack.
        _config: global configuration to which this profile belongs.

    name: str
    active_user: str
    store_url: Optional[str]
    store_type: StoreType = Field(default_factory=get_default_store_type)
    active_stack: Optional[str]
    _config: Optional["GlobalConfiguration"]

    def __init__(
        self, config: Optional["GlobalConfiguration"] = None, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> None:
        """Initializes a ProfileConfiguration object.

            config: global configuration to which this profile belongs. When not
                specified, the default global configuration path is used.
            **kwargs: additional keyword arguments are passed to the
                BaseModel constructor.
        self._config = config

    def config_directory(self) -> str:
        """Directory where the profile configuration is stored.

            The directory where the profile configuration is stored.
        return os.path.join(
            self.global_config.config_directory, "profiles",

    def initialize(self) -> None:
        """Initialize the profile."""
        # import here to avoid circular dependency
        from zenml.repository import Repository"Initializing profile `%s`...",

        # Create and initialize the profile using a special repository instance.
        # This also validates and updates the store URL configuration and
        # creates all necessary resources (e.g. paths, initial DB, default
        # stacks).
        repo = Repository(profile=self)

        if not self.active_stack:
                stacks = repo.stack_configurations
            except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
                stacks = None
            if stacks:
                self.active_stack = list(stacks.keys())[0]

    def cleanup(self) -> None:
        """Cleanup the profile directory."""
        if fileio.isdir(self.config_directory):

    def global_config(self) -> "GlobalConfiguration":
        """Return the global configuration to which this profile belongs.

            The global configuration to which this profile belongs.
        from zenml.config.global_config import GlobalConfiguration

        return self._config or GlobalConfiguration()

    def get_active_stack(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Get the active stack for the profile.

            The name of the active stack or None if no stack is active.
        return os.getenv(ENV_ZENML_ACTIVATED_STACK, self.active_stack)

    def activate_stack(self, stack_name: str) -> None:
        """Set the active stack for the profile.

            stack_name: name of the stack to activate
        self.active_stack = stack_name

    def activate_user(self, user_name: str) -> None:
        """Set the active user for the profile.

            user_name: name of the user to activate
        self.active_user = user_name

    def _ensure_active_user_is_set(
        cls, attributes: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Ensures that an active user is set for this profile.

        If the active user is missing and the profile specifies a local store,
        a default user is used as fallback.

            attributes: attributes of the profile configuration

            attributes of the profile configuration

            RuntimeError: If the active user is missing for a profile with a
                REST ZenStore.
        store_type = attributes.get("store_type") or get_default_store_type()

        if (
            store_type != StoreType.REST
            and attributes.get("active_user") is None
            # in case of a local store, fallback to the default user that is
            # created when initializing the store
            from zenml.zen_stores.base_zen_store import DEFAULT_USERNAME

            attributes["active_user"] = DEFAULT_USERNAME

        if not attributes.get("active_user"):
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Active user missing for profile '{attributes['name']}'."

        if store_type == StoreType.REST and attributes.get("store_url") is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Store URL missing for profile '{attributes['name']}'."

        return attributes

    class Config:
        """Pydantic configuration class."""

        # Validate attributes when assigning them. We need to set this in order
        # to have a mix of mutable and immutable attributes
        validate_assignment = True
        # Ignore extra attributes from configs of previous ZenML versions
        extra = "ignore"
        # all attributes with leading underscore are private and therefore
        # are mutable and not included in serialization
        underscore_attrs_are_private = True
config_directory: str property readonly

Directory where the profile configuration is stored.


Type Description

The directory where the profile configuration is stored.

global_config: GlobalConfiguration property readonly

Return the global configuration to which this profile belongs.


Type Description

The global configuration to which this profile belongs.


Pydantic configuration class.

Source code in zenml/config/
class Config:
    """Pydantic configuration class."""

    # Validate attributes when assigning them. We need to set this in order
    # to have a mix of mutable and immutable attributes
    validate_assignment = True
    # Ignore extra attributes from configs of previous ZenML versions
    extra = "ignore"
    # all attributes with leading underscore are private and therefore
    # are mutable and not included in serialization
    underscore_attrs_are_private = True
__init__(self, config=None, **kwargs) special

Initializes a ProfileConfiguration object.


Name Type Description Default
config Optional[GlobalConfiguration]

global configuration to which this profile belongs. When not specified, the default global configuration path is used.

**kwargs Any

additional keyword arguments are passed to the BaseModel constructor.

Source code in zenml/config/
def __init__(
    self, config: Optional["GlobalConfiguration"] = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
    """Initializes a ProfileConfiguration object.

        config: global configuration to which this profile belongs. When not
            specified, the default global configuration path is used.
        **kwargs: additional keyword arguments are passed to the
            BaseModel constructor.
    self._config = config
activate_stack(self, stack_name)

Set the active stack for the profile.


Name Type Description Default
stack_name str

name of the stack to activate

Source code in zenml/config/
def activate_stack(self, stack_name: str) -> None:
    """Set the active stack for the profile.

        stack_name: name of the stack to activate
    self.active_stack = stack_name
activate_user(self, user_name)

Set the active user for the profile.


Name Type Description Default
user_name str

name of the user to activate

Source code in zenml/config/
def activate_user(self, user_name: str) -> None:
    """Set the active user for the profile.

        user_name: name of the user to activate
    self.active_user = user_name

Cleanup the profile directory.

Source code in zenml/config/
def cleanup(self) -> None:
    """Cleanup the profile directory."""
    if fileio.isdir(self.config_directory):

Get the active stack for the profile.


Type Description

The name of the active stack or None if no stack is active.

Source code in zenml/config/
def get_active_stack(self) -> Optional[str]:
    """Get the active stack for the profile.

        The name of the active stack or None if no stack is active.
    return os.getenv(ENV_ZENML_ACTIVATED_STACK, self.active_stack)

Initialize the profile.

Source code in zenml/config/
def initialize(self) -> None:
    """Initialize the profile."""
    # import here to avoid circular dependency
    from zenml.repository import Repository"Initializing profile `%s`...",

    # Create and initialize the profile using a special repository instance.
    # This also validates and updates the store URL configuration and
    # creates all necessary resources (e.g. paths, initial DB, default
    # stacks).
    repo = Repository(profile=self)

    if not self.active_stack:
            stacks = repo.stack_configurations
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            stacks = None
        if stacks:
            self.active_stack = list(stacks.keys())[0]


Return the default store type.

The default store type can be set via the environment variable ZENML_DEFAULT_STORE_TYPE. If this variable is not set, the default store type is set to 'LOCAL'.

NOTE: this is a global function instead of a default ProfileConfiguration.store_type value because it makes it easier to mock in the unit tests.


Type Description

The default store type.

Source code in zenml/config/
def get_default_store_type() -> StoreType:
    """Return the default store type.

    The default store type can be set via the environment variable
    ZENML_DEFAULT_STORE_TYPE. If this variable is not set, the default
    store type is set to 'LOCAL'.

    NOTE: this is a global function instead of a default
    `ProfileConfiguration.store_type` value because it makes it easier to mock
    in the unit tests.

        The default store type.
    store_type = os.getenv(ENV_ZENML_DEFAULT_STORE_TYPE)
    if store_type and store_type in StoreType.values():
        return StoreType(store_type)
    return StoreType.LOCAL


Resource Configuration class used to specify resources for a step.

ByteUnit (Enum)

Enum for byte units.

Source code in zenml/config/
class ByteUnit(Enum):
    """Enum for byte units."""

    KB = "KB"
    KIB = "KiB"
    MB = "MB"
    MIB = "MiB"
    GB = "GB"
    GIB = "GiB"
    TB = "TB"
    TIB = "TiB"
    PB = "PB"
    PIB = "PiB"

    def byte_value(self) -> int:
        """Returns the amount of bytes that this unit represents.

            The byte value of this unit.
        return {
            ByteUnit.KB: 10**3,
            ByteUnit.KIB: 1 << 10,
            ByteUnit.MB: 10**6,
            ByteUnit.MIB: 1 << 20,
            ByteUnit.GB: 10**9,
            ByteUnit.GIB: 1 << 30,
            ByteUnit.TB: 10**12,
            ByteUnit.TIB: 1 << 40,
            ByteUnit.PB: 10**15,
            ByteUnit.PIB: 1 << 50,

ResourceConfiguration (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Class for configuring hardware resources.


Name Type Description
cpu_count Optional[pydantic.types.PositiveFloat]

The amount of CPU cores that should be configured.

gpu_count Optional[pydantic.types.PositiveInt]

The amount of GPUs that should be configured.

memory Optional[str]

The amount of memory that should be configured.

Source code in zenml/config/
class ResourceConfiguration(BaseModel):
    """Class for configuring hardware resources.

        cpu_count: The amount of CPU cores that should be configured.
        gpu_count: The amount of GPUs that should be configured.
        memory: The amount of memory that should be configured.

    cpu_count: Optional[PositiveFloat] = None
    gpu_count: Optional[PositiveInt] = None
    memory: Optional[str] = Field(regex=MEMORY_REGEX)

    def empty(self) -> bool:
        """Returns if this object is "empty" (=no values configured) or not.

            `True` if no values were configured, `False` otherwise.
        # To detect whether this config is empty (= no values specified), we
        # check if there are any attributes which are explicitly set to any
        # value other than `None`.
        return len(self.dict(exclude_unset=True, exclude_none=True)) == 0

    def get_memory(
        self, unit: Union[str, ByteUnit] = ByteUnit.GB
    ) -> Optional[float]:
        """Gets the memory configuration in a specific unit.

            unit: The unit to which the memory should be converted.

            ValueError: If the memory string is invalid.

            The memory configuration converted to the requested unit, or None
            if no memory was configured.
        if not self.memory:
            return None

        if isinstance(unit, str):
            unit = ByteUnit(unit)

        memory = self.memory
        for memory_unit in ByteUnit:
            if memory.endswith(memory_unit.value):
                memory_value = int(memory[: -len(memory_unit.value)])
                return memory_value * memory_unit.byte_value / unit.byte_value
            # Should never happen due to the regex validation
            raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse memory unit from '{memory}'.")

    class Config:
        """Pydantic configuration class."""

        # public attributes are immutable
        allow_mutation = False

        # prevent extra attributes during model initialization
        extra = Extra.forbid
empty: bool property readonly

Returns if this object is "empty" (=no values configured) or not.


Type Description

True if no values were configured, False otherwise.


Pydantic configuration class.

Source code in zenml/config/
class Config:
    """Pydantic configuration class."""

    # public attributes are immutable
    allow_mutation = False

    # prevent extra attributes during model initialization
    extra = Extra.forbid
get_memory(self, unit=<ByteUnit.GB: 'GB'>)

Gets the memory configuration in a specific unit.


Name Type Description Default
unit Union[str, zenml.config.resource_configuration.ByteUnit]

The unit to which the memory should be converted.

<ByteUnit.GB: 'GB'>


Type Description

If the memory string is invalid.


Type Description

The memory configuration converted to the requested unit, or None if no memory was configured.

Source code in zenml/config/
def get_memory(
    self, unit: Union[str, ByteUnit] = ByteUnit.GB
) -> Optional[float]:
    """Gets the memory configuration in a specific unit.

        unit: The unit to which the memory should be converted.

        ValueError: If the memory string is invalid.

        The memory configuration converted to the requested unit, or None
        if no memory was configured.
    if not self.memory:
        return None

    if isinstance(unit, str):
        unit = ByteUnit(unit)

    memory = self.memory
    for memory_unit in ByteUnit:
        if memory.endswith(memory_unit.value):
            memory_value = int(memory[: -len(memory_unit.value)])
            return memory_value * memory_unit.byte_value / unit.byte_value
        # Should never happen due to the regex validation
        raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse memory unit from '{memory}'.")